
The Giverny Residences Price List

To check on the unit availability in The Giverny Residences, see the Balance Units Chart.

Room TypeSize (Sqft)Pricing From$PSF From
3 Bedroom1636 – 1873$5.497 Mil$3360
4 Bedroom2551 – 2756$9.566 Mil$3750

(All prices for The Giverny Residences displayed here are indicative and for reference purposes only. The pricing for each individual unit may be subjected to different factors like floor level, facing, view from unit and other attributes.

Prices for the District 10 condo are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. This webpage cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions and/or dispute.

Please call +65 6100-0721 to confirm The Giverny Residences Pricing before making a decision.)

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